Friday, January 24, 2014

Classifieds Team Build is an all new concept indebted to the cause of training and equipping in social media marketing!
Although the concept(TEAM BUILD) is not new!it has in this 21st century of marketing become complex and moves at a pace that the brand new marketer will have a tough time keeping up not to mention some veteran marketers as well.

Animals especially Ants work as a unit every project the ant takes on starts and ends as a team effort :please take the time to watch the video




And this is what we do at Classifieds Team Build we work towards the greater good that every team member will be properly equipped to successfully work his/her way through which can sometimes be quite a hill to climb!

inside of Classifieds Team Build i have 3 services that i use to market please take the time to look around and yes please comment on my press release:

The FeederMatrix a 4x4 forced matrix the power of 4 if worked you will make over $9,000

The Average Joe another 4x4 matrix with even more training sources such as word press training/ email basics/ hosting and much more the Average Joe is new.

Next Level X a 3x6 matrix a unique site that you can use to start any fund raisers with a Febuary 1st launch i encourage you to get in now and get your spot locked into this million dollar+ Residual income opportunity.

Thank you all for reading and taking the time to look at my offers

God Bless and enjoy your day

Wallace Phillips


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