Sunday, June 7, 2015


Reprinted with permission, "The $300 Dollar Solution" By Randolph A. Byrd How to Create Successful Leaders by Creating Achievable Milestones Question:

 Jerky Direct

 I know that in Network Marketing Sales, "The only way to fail is to quit."But I'm having trouble convincing people in my Network about that. How do I get them to stay involved long enough to start seeing some success? This is one of those timely "Great Questions" that comes up again and again, and there are lots of great ways to answer it. Making sure your people are motivated by helping them stay clear on what their own personal goals are . . .

 making sure they have the tools they need and know how to use them . . . making sure their efforts are supported by three-way calls and meetings until they've got their "sea legs" securely under them - all these are sound approaches.
 But there's another answer - one that's perhaps more basic and essential! Let's run the numbers and take a practical look at the conditions you've got for your people to get involved and stay involved. There are two things which prevent most Network Marketers from achieving success: They don't make $300 per month quickly enough; and their downline distributors don't either! Surprised? You're not alone. But the truth is that $300 is the income-earning threshold below which there is no Network Marketing Sales organization - because there are simply no Net workers to make one. People who make $300 a month in this business stick around. People who don't - don't. It's that simple. Networking Enemy ...1 - Attrition No one in this profession likes to talk about attrition. Why not? Because it undermines the profession's primary benefit that we recite in our prospecting routines. You know the rap: "You sponsor 10 people, and they sponsor 10 people, and they . . . and pretty soon. . ."

Now, how successful would you be as a prospector if you said instead: "You sponsor 10 people, and then nine drop out, and then the one who is left sponsors 10 people and nine of THEM will drop out, and . . ." That sounds like more of a positive proactive pitch, now, doesn't it? But it is the truth! At least, it has been true for most Network Marketers. Please note that when we say "attrition,” we're not just talking about the downline, that impersonal genealogy of all the distributors in your organization. We're talking about YOU - one individual Network Marketer.
 But what really hurts is that an 80-to-90 percent attrition rate means that 80-90 percent of all efforts as well as all the efforts of your downline organization are lost in spinning your wheels. i.e., sponsoring numbers of folks into your organization only to have them leave before they've had the chance to be successful! As Dayle Malohey says, "The problem with most Network Marketers is that they quit before payday." But what causes this high drop-out rate! And what can we do about it! Ask open-ended questions and you're bound to get long, equally open-ended answers.

 CEOs and master distributors alike have given us all sorts of philosophies on why distributors leave our profession. I'll mention some of those reasons in a bit, but to find the empirical "truth" let's rephrase the question. At what point do Network Marketers NOT drop out of their organization? Specifically, how many dollars per month in compensation does an MLMer have to earn before a high percentage (let's say 95 percent) do NOT dropout? Just about everyone we spoke with answered: "$300 to $400” per month, sustained for at least two or three months. And "by when" do they have to make that amount? Six to nine months is best, with one year being the longest time allotted. And what if they don't? They leave the organization at a rate of 80 to 90 percent per year. And what if they do achieve $300 per month? They stay on board and usually become even more successful. This law is true for you, the individual distributor, just as it is true for your downline, a group of individual distributors just like you. Have yourself - and have each of your downline achieve $300 or more per month in bonus compensation within six to nine months, and you and they will stay in

 the organization and produce! And by the way, retail profits don't count in this scenario, because the whole point is residual income.And your downline will be certain to stay the course if you teach the truth about this business to them. This duplicatable system is as easy as distributing copies of this Report to each person in your downline. So why don't most Network Marketers ever get to the $300-per-month level? Answer: Poor prospecting / sponsoring, and lack of knowledge about this industry and how Network Marketing Sales really works, all of which leads to unrealistic expectations. The way you prospect and sponsor each individual into your program sets up their expectations for success . . . or for their failure.

A common approach to prospecting and sponsoring is the pie-in-the-sky, get-rich-quick, let your downline do the work while you "stroll the beaches - see the world" routine. This method can set up your new distributors for failure almost immediately, because the truth is that 98 percent of all Network Marketers DO NOT EVER reach those heights--and most certainly do not do so within a year. This creates a "lottery" mentality that in turn creates delusional dreams about what this business has to offer . . . and then dashes them. With this style of prospecting - sponsoring, even if a distributor did reach $300 per month, they'd probably feel like a big failure, because they were set up to make $30, 000 -- NOT $300-a-month. We have a common misconception in this business that $300 is such small potatoes, it's not even worth mentioning - just so much chopped liver.

 Tom "Big Al" Schreiter relates a wonderful story about a man who came into the business with the goal of making $300 a month. Not $10, 000 or $20, 000. Just $300 a month. The man achieved that goal fairly easily and stayed at that $300 income level for a number of years. That didn't seem very ambitious to Tom - especially for such an obviously gifted and capable guy - so, he asked the fellow about it. The man told Tom that he took his initial $300 and accelerated the mortgage payment on his home, paying it off in record time. He then used his free-and-clear equity to buy a second property, rented it out and applies the "extra $300" in the same manner he had with his own house.

 In less than five years, he ended up owning five income properties and was virtually financially set for the rest of his life. All by virtue of the $300 a month he earned through Network Marketing Sales. What other common misstatements do prospectors often make? You won't have to work for a living" . . . "You can become a millionaire like my UPLINE . . ." (flash UPLINE's mega-check here) . . . "Network Marketing is the answer to all your financial woes" . . . "MLM can fulfill all your dreams." While none of these statements are outright lies, and all actually quite often are true for a few leadership distributors, they do set up false expectations for the novice Networker.

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Try instead statements like, "Network Marketing Sales can offer you greater time and freedom as you can work this business anywhere, anytime you choose." Or, "You can achieve a part-time or full-time income that can supplement or replace your current source of income, making enough in a few hours a week to pay for your car loan, a college education . . ." etc. When linked to the prospects "WHY,” these statements set up value in the opportunity and yet don't create unrealistic expectations for what this business has to offer. THE $300 SOLUTION Now, what would happen if you told your downline (or told yourself!) that the first step to MLM success is to get to that $300 a month level within six to nine months - or maybe even a year? What happens to their expectations now? What would happen if you told them the real truth about this business: When a distributor reaches a monthly compensation bonus of $300 per month he or she will not drop out! This is a point of no return! There is no turning back! When they get to that $300 level, you and your organization MUST recognize and acknowledge their level of achievement. After all, in this recognition business, $300 a month is a "rite of passage." Call it a coming of age and celebrate it like a bar mitzvah. Like puberty, it becomes a point of no return! It is a bridge into adulthood where one may not ever return to being a child! When you celebrate this coming of age, you set up a great expectation for your entire group. Imagine for a moment that you told your downline that the amount necessary to achieve the no-going-back level was $2, 000 for the first level of real achievement and success.

 But share the $300 Solution with them and make a public celebration out of every distributor achieving this level and they will not drop out, because they've learned to expect that distributors earning $300 monthly do not quit! Once they learn the truth about this business, they will operate within that truth! It will become a law of Network Marketing Sales nature. Note also the difference in their attitude when they achieve only $150 per month. Within the old paradigm of "getting rich,” $150 would have left them feeling like (and therefore, being!) a failure. Now, when they reach $150, they'll say, "I'm halfway home!" What a difference! So, how do we get to that magical $300-per-month benchmark? You and your downline are halfway there already, because you are now armed with the knowledge of the $300 Solution. Since most new Network Marketers haven't a clue as to how this profession works, they usually don't know what's expected of them. They have no realistic goal. Perhaps their goal is not specific and probably has no basis in fact even if they do have one.

But now, they can have a realistic goal that's achievable, and backed up with research about this business. They now can have realistic expectations for themselves, and for their future downline, too! As for the specifics of how to get them to the $300 level in your organization, that depends somewhat on your product and your compensation plan. So, do a little research on your own program and establish several scenarios for your distributor group and teach them how to get to $300 a month as soon as possible! Help your downline members get to this level by prospecting and sponsoring distributors WITH THEM. Partnership is the key. Three-way calling and three-way sponsoring interviews are two powerful partnering tools you can use to have virtually anybody at $300 in very quick time. What's more, if they use three-way with all their people the way you did with them, imagine the dependability AND duplicate-ability of that! If you want more of your people to stick with it -- and with you, too -- inject the $300 Solution into your teaching and training routine. Don't be afraid that you'll scare off those "heavy hitters" with an eye to more sky-high incomes. These folks will clearly and quickly see the virtue of a system that has hundreds and hundreds of part-time Net workers (potentially in their organization) all earning enough to stay in business.

 And just for fun - and for the present and future possibilities of profit - take out your calculator and crunch some numbers to see what would happen if you were to merely diminish your own organization's attrition rate by, say, 10 to 20 percent. I think that you'll find what you've got there, in terms of your own check, is a good deal more than $300! Reprinted with permission, "The $300 Dollar Solution" By Randolph A. Byrd Are YOU making $300 or more with your business?

 If not, are you at least happy with where you are right now for the work that you are putting into your business? Is $300 an attainable goal for you in the very near future? Do you have a team of business builders working with you to help you reach your goal? Does your business allow for true residual income so that you can make this $300 goal and also allow you to make more?? These are all questions that you need to ask yourself and then make it happen!! Thanks for reading this article and for applying it to your daily life! If you would like to know what I was doing to reach my goal of $300 a month by Feb 07 2016 take a look at my website  and come join my winning team!!  join my super 6 power team here

Wallace Phillips

Originally sent - Jun 22nd 2007 12:48

Saturday, June 6, 2015

Video Marketing--What You Need to Know

Video marketing is one of the best ways to breathe new life into a business. Many business owners see the potential in video marketing, but have limited knowledge of how to use it successfully. That is where you differ from them. You'll know how to make video marketing work for you with the advice in this article and with our cutting edge software you will be making studio level videos in no time at all.

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The first thing you have to do with video marketing is to give it a try. The more you experiment, the better your outcomes will become. Try everything which comes to mind and then figure out what works and what doesn't. This is the best way to make video marketing successful.

The content of your video plays an essential role in its success. The equipment you use to shoot the video does not determine how many will view it. People watch videos that are alright if they have relevant information that they think is important. Still, you want  the best software available.
If you are too shy to show your face on the screen, you should try using something like Google Search Stories to help you. This is a good way to show your users all of the pertinent information you need to without worrying about having to show everyone your face.

When writing a description of your video include your web address at the beginning of the description using proper HTML. This will allow viewer to click the link and be immediately directed to your website. You should also include a description using your primary and alternate keywords for better page ranks.
To help garner even more views embed your video in your website. Most people when they think of video marketing think only of posting a video on YouTube. Instead, post it on your website and include a link on your Facebook wall and Tweet about your new video on Twitter.

If you want to film yourself talking about your products or demonstrating them, you should put together an outline for your video before you start. Make a list of all the points you feel are important and organize them logically so your video is easy to follow. Remember that you can edit your video to organize different points in a logical order too.

All of your videos should be as timeless as possible. When talking about a product release or a new product, it could be difficult to make a video that people will want to watch 6 months from now. If you focus on the product, and not the release date, you will be creating a video that people will watch in the future.

When searching for inspiration, try YouTube Suggest to find related topics which you could speak on. This gives you a tree of various ideas which you can either use outright or might spark a topic idea in your mind. The more research you do, the more ideas you'll come up with.
People like honesty! Only make videos about subjects that really interest you or causes you really believe in. Adopting a more transparent, candid tone will come across to viewers as an indication of reliability and trustworthiness.

Video tutorials are an excellent way to create new content and assist your customers. People will often search for sites with tutorial information about products or services. When they find great content, they will often share it after consuming it themselves. This is a great way to increase your visibility.
There is a great deal of promise that video marketing can bring to a business. Lots of business owners realize this, but they are missing one key element needed to use video marketing. You now have that key element. Put it to good use and make video marketing your most successful business strategy ever.

My Name Is Wallace Phillips although im fairly new to video marketing my choice and desire is Explaindio!

Explaindio Video Creator and its companion marketplace make it
possible for businesses and professionals supporting businesses to
quickly and easily create completely unique video without any
technical knowledge - and if you are not using video you are
missing the chance to run video ads, which are more effective and
often have much better ROI than other marketing methods.

To Your Success
Wallace Phillips

Saturday, May 30, 2015

Wax/Hash Oil is it safe???


Wax Is Weed’s Next Big Thing And No One Knows If It’s Safe

California dispensaries say butane hash oil, or “wax,” now accounts for 40% of sales — despite potential health risks and home lab explosions on the rise.
 With no regulation and a lack of good information, stoners turn to self-appointed, and self-interested, “experts” like Matt Rize — but at what cost?


Police all over the country are warning people of a new potent marijuana drug called pot wax.
Pot wax or Wax is 10-20 times more potent than normal marijuana.  It's made from THC that's extracted from the marijuana plant.

Authorities say it's anywhere from 85-99% pure THC, and it's being blamed for fires and deaths all over the country.
It looks like ear wax, but listen to this:  
"Very concerned for the young people who are experimenting with the drugs and those using this potent form of marijuana," 
Authorities say pot wax or has oil as some call it  is the latest 'cannabis craze' sweeping the country. Because of how the drug is manufactured, authorities say pot wax is highly addictive and explosive.
"These labs are similar to meth labs in that the chemicals used is extremely flammable and explosive," 


Effects on the body from normal marijuana 
THC stimulates cells in the brain to release dopamine, creating euphoria, according to NIDA. It also interferes with how information is processed in the hippocampus, which is part of the brain responsible for forming new memories. 
THC can induce hallucinations, change thinking and cause delusions. On average, the effects last about two hours, and kick in 10 to 30 minutes after ingestion. Psychomotor impairment may continue after the perceived high has stopped, however. 
"In some cases, reported side effects of THC include elation, anxiety, tachycardia, short-term memory recall issues, sedation, relaxation, pain-relief and many more," said A.J. Fabrizio, a marijuana chemistry expert at Terra Tech Corp, a California agricultural company focused on local farming and medical cannabis.


The effects of marijuana make it a popular drug. In fact, it is considered one of the most commonly used illicit drugs in the world. But these effects also concern mental health advocates. THC can trigger a relapse in schizophrenic symptoms, according to NIDA.
Another possible risk of consuming THC comes in the form of impaired motor skills. Marijuana may impair driving or similar tasks for approximately three hours after consumption and it is the second-most common psychoactive substance found in drivers, after alcohol, reports the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration. People taking medical marijuana are instructed not to drive until it has been established that they can tolerate it and conduct motor tasks successfully.
getting back to Wax or hash oil as some call it 20 times the potency of regular old TCH  be your own guide but ask me this stuff is very unsafe especially for the children!
Would love some feedback on this issue


Dennis Hastert paid him to hide sexual abuse!


The Following Article is copied not mines just sharing in hopes you the reader as well the rest of america will wake up!

The former US House of Representatives speaker Dennis Hastert, who was indicted on Thursday on federal criminal charges, was paying a man from his past to try to conceal sexual misconduct, the Los Angeles Times 
reported on Friday, citing two unnamed federal law enforcement officials.
One of the officials said the alleged misconduct involved a man and occurred during Hastert’s time as a high school wrestling coach and teacher in Yorkville, Illinois, before he became a lawmaker.
Hastert could not immediately be reached for comment.
Prosecutors said the charges related to Hastert’s alleged effort to hide $3.5m in payments he was making to a person to conceal past misconduct, but did not detail the nature of the misconduct.
Asked why Hastert, an Illinois Republican who become his party’s longest-serving House speaker before leaving Congress in 2007, was making the payments, the official told the Times that it was intended to conceal Hastert’s past relationship with the man.
“It was sex,” said the official, who spoke on condition of anonymity.
Hastert, 73, was charged on Thursday with structuring the withdrawal of $952,000 in cash to evade the requirement that banks report cash transactions over $10,000, and lying to the FBI about his withdrawals.
Each count of the two-count indictment carries a maximum penalty of five years in prison and a $250,000 fine.
Before his terms in Congress, Hastert served three terms as an Illinois state representative and was a teacher at Yorkville high school in suburban Chicago for 16 years.
The Yorkville school district that employed Hastert from 1965 to 1981 said in a statement on Friday it “has no knowledge of Mr Hastert’s alleged misconduct, nor has any individual contacted the district to report any such misconduct”.
The district said it was first made aware of any concerns regarding the former congressman when the indictment was released.
Judge Thomas Durkin has been assigned to the case, but has not yet set a date for Hastert’s first appearance. The former congressman has not been arrested and is not considered a flight risk, a spokeswoman for the US attorney’s office in Chicago said.
White House spokesman Josh Earnest, during his daily briefing, declined to comment specifically on the allegations against Hastert but said: “There’s nobody here who derives any pleasure from reading about the former speaker’s legal troubles at this point.”
Hastert has resigned from the board of advisers to the J Dennis Hastert Center for Economics, Government and Public Policy at his alma mater Wheaton College in Illinois, the school said on Friday. He graduated from Wheaton College in 1964, where he was also a wrestler.
On Thursday, he resigned from the Washington lobbying firm Dickstein Shapiro, which he joined in 2008, and resigned as a board member of the exchange operator CME Group.
with great hopes this borrowed material will stretch far and wide the republican party is a threat and menace to america
Would love opinions either comment or message me

Tuesday, April 7, 2015

5 Ways To Earn Extra Money At Home On The Internet

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The internet truly represents a whole new world of opportunities, offering more than you can even imagine. Whether you're just looking to earn extra money at home or you've decided you'd like to try full-time online marketing, here are just a few ideas that can get you started.

Unlike what you may be used to in the past with traditional jobs, it's extremely important to focus your internet work activities on things that you are interested in and good at. These opportunities aren't just jobs but ways that you can connect your skills, knowledge and interests with others who are seeking them out.

1. Become a freelance writer: If you like to write, the opportunities are boundless on the web. To start out, you can write for sites like eHow or find some of your own private clients on sites like Rent-a-coder, Elance, Guru, Keen and others.

2. Sell your graphic design skills: If you are good at graphic design, you can use your skills to design websites, photo greeting cards, business materials like brochures, pamphlets, business cards, etc for small businesses. You can advertise your services on CraigsList and Ebay, just to name a couple.

3. Give LiveOps a try: With this company, you can earn extra money at home by receiving calls from a people who are looking for information about different things. With LiveOps, you follow a written script and you get paid by the minute and extra for any add-ons you sell. You do need a fast internet connection and certain software capabilities, but that's all before you're up and running. How many calls you receive depends on how well you do so expect to get paid more as you go along.

4. Become an Expert on JustAnswer: JustAnswer is a site where people type in their questions and the "experts" respond. If your skills are in demand, you can earn money by answering some questions on this site!

5. Join the blogging wave: It's incredibly easy to set up your own blog these days. You can do it for free on and then take a look at the other platforms like WordPress and SquareSpace as you become more familiar with the whole concept. The best money-making blog is deemed the "Niche blog", which is basically a blog that focuses on only one sub-topic instead of everything and anything.





You can make money from your blog in many ways, the easiest being AddSense (which is very easily added to your free Blogger blog). This takes a little more time but you can also sell ad space on your blog either by going out and finding advertisers or waiting for them to come to you. The extremely important thing to remember is that you want to maintain high-quality content on your blog in order to attract advertisers.

Nowadays it's extremely easy to earn extra money at home on the internet. The route you choose should be based on your interests, skills, knowledge and time-flexibility.

Wallace Phillips is the Owner of Listen Learn Profit Check us out anytime for marketing tips and a free subscription to our cutting edge newsletter.

Check out Google Cash Monster 


Sunday, March 15, 2015

Be Your Own Boss Start A Home Business

[category events business]
[tags business,marketing,money,]

At some point or another, many people have considered starting their own home business. Who among us wouldn't love to be their own boss, set their own hours, and work out of the comfort of their own home? There are many points to consider, however, when starting your own business. Here's some useful advice.

Dress for success. Working at home sometimes makes you feel as if you can sit around in your pajamas. You want to still dress like you are going into the office. This allows you to be productive and focused on your work.

No matter what type of home business you start, you must have a marketing plan ready to put into action. Most every business today requires a relationship with the internet, and there are many marketing packages available on the internet as well as through local and national media. A successful business is never without a successful marketing strategy.

Take advantage of the signature line in your email program and make sure it includes the link to your website. This simple act can generate numerous sales. All email correspondence with customers, should include this link so that they can easily find their way back to your website to purchase more product.

If you are just getting started with your home business, make contact with your friends and family to let them know what you are doing. Word of mouth business can be very powerful, so simply letting them know of your plans is helpful. Consider offering them a discount on your product to get them motivated to purchase something.

A good way to gather information on running a home business is join an online forum on the topic. This way, you can connect with other home business owners and converse about your situations. Many people who work from home will have the same issues and problems as you, so you can share solutions.

Promote your home business by offering a coupon for a free sample or a discount for your services. People are attracted to free offers, so this is a good way to bring in new customers. People are more willing to try a new business if they do not have to risk their own money to try it.

First you should explore the type of business which would appeal to you most. Assess your goals, interests, and capabilities. The most important aspect is that you must enjoy what you are doing day in and day out. Successful entrepreneurs are the ones who feel passionate about the business they own. An entrepreneur cannot feel passionate and driven to success if they do not enjoy what they do!

Utilize social networking to the best of your abilities and then some. If you aren't using social networking within your home business, you are losing out on a great communication method that is used by countless businesses today. Social networking improves your communication, visibility, and even your reputation within the target group you have chosen.

Write your way to a home based business. If you enjoy writing, and have plenty to say consider a business in article marketing. You can make money by writing content for the internet. You can write at your own pace and market your skills anywhere you want. There is huge potential in article marketing.

The idea of starting a home business is appealing to many people, and rightfully so. Starting a home business need not be as daunting as it might seem. The more you have thought out the steps needed, the better prepared you will be to make a success of it.

Wallace Phillips is the Owner of Listen Learn Profit Check us out anytime for marketing tips and a free subscription to our cutting edge newsletter.

Check out Google Sniper 3.0